Abstract submission

Please note that a participant may submit exactly one abstract.

Abstract template for PHOTONICA2017 can be downloaded here.

After the conference, participants will have an opportunity to submit their work in Optical and Quantum electronics (impact factor 1.29). All manuscripts will undergo a peer review process, according to the journal publishing policy.

The deadline for manuscript submission will be announced later.

The abstract submission is now closed.

Please upload one word file (.doc or .docx), with maximum length of 3 MB.


Password (from your registration mail):


10-15 of submitted abstracts will be selected for the 15 min oral presentations
(contributed talks)
Would you like your abstract to be considered for contrubuted talk?
(The participant who select "YES" will be informed about the decision before the
conference in order to prepare their presentation. Regardless, abstract selected
for contributed talk can be presented at poster sessions, too.)

Yes No

Title of the abstract:

The abstract submission is now closed.