Manuscript Submission for Optical and Quantum Electronics (OQE)
NEW! Deadline for manuscript submission is extended until November 6th (October 31st, October 15th).
Please note:
1) One author is allowed to submit only one manuscript.
2) The name of the one author can appear in two manuscripts at most.
3) The length of the manuscript should not exceed 10 pages.
The link with all relevant information about registration procedure, preparation and submission of the manuscript in Optical and Quantum Electronics is provided here.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: When submitting the manuscript, authors have to choose Article Type: SI: Photonica 2017 – focus on optics and bio-photonics. If this option is not specified, the submission will be considered as usual one, and the authors will not have the possibility to resend their work as Topical Collection.
Deadline for manuscript submission is October 15th.